Thanks to a reader for alerting me that there is a new promotional video for the large print thinline RSV-2CE from Catholic Bible Press (which will be published in mid-November). The video is accessible on the Amazon product listing page also.

I covered the early marketing information on this edition back in April. Here are a few quick details:

  • Available in three leathersoft colors: black, crimson, and brown
  • Double column format
  • Size 10 font

Currently, the pre-order price on Amazon is the full MSRP of $49.99. Christianbook is offering pre-orders for $32.99.

11 thoughts on “Promotional Video for Upcoming RSV-2CE from Catholic Bible Press”

    1. Disappointingly, this appears to be using American spellings and is not an Amglicised edition, as previously suggested.

  1. Though I am not a huge fan of the comfort print, I will say that this looks really good. I love the size of this thinline. It is also great to see the notes and cross-references included. Back when I was doing my old blog, I was advocating for an edition like this. Amazing that this and the completed ICSB are all coming out at the same time. It’s a great time to be a fan of the RSV-2CE.

  2. I’ve pre-ordered this Bible and will likely order more for family.

    Speaking for myself: I feel a need to vote with my wallet for this translation over unbelieving translations. Thankfully, the sales of the unbelieving translations seem to be only popular with the extremely online and the soon-to-be Agnostics.

    1. What “unbelieving translations”? There are certainly skeptical translations, such as “The Five Gospels” published by The Jesus Seminar but they are hardly widespread or easy to find,

      1. > “The Five Gospels” published by The Jesus Seminar but they are hardly widespread or easy to find

        Correct. As I wrote:

        > the sales of the unbelieving translations seem to be only popular with the extremely online and the soon-to-be Agnostics.

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