For Zion’s sake I shall not keep silent,
Isaiah 62:1-5 REB
for Jerusalem’s sake I shall not be quiet,
until her victory shines forth like the sunrise,
her deliverance like a blazing torch,
and the nations see your victory
and all their kings your glory.
Then you will be called by a new name
which the LORD himself will announce;
you will be a glorious crown in the LORD’s hand,
a royal diadem held by your God.
No more will you be called Forsaken,
no more will your land be called Desolate,
but you will be named Hephzibah
and your land Beulah;
for the LORD will take delight in you
and to him your land will be linked in wedlock.
As a young man weds a maiden,
so will you be wedded to him who rebuilds you,
and as a bridegroom rejoices over the bride,
so will your God rejoice over you.
Notes: Hephzibah: that is My delight is in her. Beulah: that is Wedded.
Merry Christmas to all readers of Catholic Bible Talk! I hope this solemnity fills you with God’s joy and the assurance of his faithful love.
Merry Christmas, Marc! Christ is born!
Merry Christmas, May God grant you and all the readers of this blog many blessed and happy years.
I also wanted to bring attention to a book that may be of interest for this blog.
It is called “Words without Alloy: A Biography of the Lectionary” from Liturgical Press. It deals with the current Roman lectionary and its creation. I have yet to read it, but it is on my website.
From the publisher’s website.
Liturgical press also has a link to request a review copy. Perhaps Marc or Tim could request a copy for review on this blog if this is something that might interest them?
Here is review done on PrayTell Blog (a progressive but informative liturgical blog)