Ascension Press has recently released a paperback edition of the Great Adventure Catholic Bible. The list price for the paperback is currently $39.95, but discounts are available for bulk orders. Orders of 10-99 qualify for a 15% discount, orders of 100-499 qualify for a 35% discount, and orders for 500 or more qualify for a 50% discount. The paperback contains all the same features as the original imitation leather edition (which sells for a list price of $59.95).
It’s of higher quality than the imitation leather edition that first came out, as the new paperback has signature sewn binding.
That’s an interesting development. Have you had a chance to see one in person? If the paperback edition has sewn signatures, maybe the imitation leather one will finally feature a sewn binding also (as Ascension has been promising for quite some time).
Yes, I ordered a bunch for a class. I was surprised to find they have sewn signatures. I have the same hope for new editions of the imitation leather version. I mean, why wouldn’t they?
Are the paperbacks the same page dimensions and paper quality as the imitation leather?
I have the most recent run (Summer 2021 printing) of imitation leather. It is obviously sewn now. Ascension has reduced the amount of glue so the signatures are very easy to see.
My previous copy (Fall 2020 printing) which I gifted to my father, and my wife’s copy (Summer 2020 printing) are also sewn. I agree it is hard to see through the blob of glue used on earlier batches, but if you can find the center of the signatures you can find tread.
Per a previous comment of mine a few months ago I emailed back and forth with Ascension about this and they directed me to specific page numbers to find the signature centers/thread as proof of sewn binding. I think there’s a lot of misinformation in the comments of this blog because the giant blob of glue made it so darn hard to find the signature centers. With this information in hand I’ve confirmed that every Great Adventure Bible that has passed through my hands from the past two years has been sewn.
why are these so expensive? I can get an Ignatius Study Bible paperback for 18.
I agree that it seems a bit expensive for a paperback, but there are some differences from the Ignatius Study Bible that make the cost increase somewhat understandable:
1) It is the full bible, not just the new testament.
2) It is printed in color, with many graphics that needed to be designed or licenced.
3) $39.95 is the list price, which would be better compared to the list price of the Ignatious Catholic Study bible which is $27.95 before any discounts from the retailer.
Meh. Still has red lettering. (The red lettering on the leather edition is awful. Way too light, and a strain to read.)
Off topic, but have any of your preordered the CTS Daily Office?
Yes, I preordered several copies (with a group of friends) some time ago. According to CTS, they’ll start shipping next week and should take 3-5 days to arrive in the US.
I hope you enjoy the book! I’ve considered ordering it, but it’s a tad too expensive. I’m going to wait and see if any reviews of it are posted online.
Perhaps a bit off topic, but I was wondering if anyone else saw this? I thought Fr. Fessio’s comments on it were especially enlightening. If he’s right I wonder if the ESV-CE will really be the success everyone had initially assumed it would be if Crossway is still dictating what can or can’t accompany the text of the translation even after licensing out to another publisher.
Personally, I have a preference for the ESV-CE over the NABRE or the Revised New Jerusalem, but if Crossway is going to act like this, I can’t at all fault Bishop’s Conferences that decide to go a different direction. Heck, if Fr. Fessio is right I can’t see even the Ordinariate adopting the ESV-CE anytime soon. I mean, who wants to be hamstrung by a Non-Catholic publisher every time you want to publish some kind of devotional. Love’em or hate’em the NAB, RNJB, and the RSV2CE don’t have these problems.
I had wondered previously why Bishop Barron didn’t use the ESV-CE in his Bible, now I guess I know why.
Oh my. I had not heard of that but it is not surprising given what I understand about Crossway’s leadership. If true, that is very disappointing news since I have been deeply hoping for an ESV-CE study bible from the Augustine Institute…
Personally I prefer the RSV-2CE as a translation to the ESV-CE, though. The ESV-CE just seems a little clunky in places where the RSV-2CE is a bit more natural to me. But they really are very similar and I hardly think it would be worth it to switch from one to the other. And if Fr. Fessio’s comment is true it would be all the more reason not to adopt it.
But I would prefer just about anything to the NAB as a lectionary. Not because I particularly dislike the NAB translation, but because I consider the notes (which appear to be mandatory for publishers to print alongside the text) to often be offensive to pious ears and dangerous to those weak in faith. Churches give bibles with these notes to new converts and young people in faith formation and wonder why they leave the church in droves…
There is no study or survey indicating that the Bible edition used in the liturgy is a significant driver causing Catholics to leave the Church. If we were a Church founded on Sola Scriptura; then Bible Translation would be critical. Perhaps, if from a young age, we formed our young people into the habit of reading/studying the Bible we would stem some of the flow of Catholics to Bible only sects. Instead, we continue to have CCD curriculum that seems to be horribly ineffective. Arguing over Bible Editions and the Biblical sources of the liturgy in the context of the huge problems our Church faces is a little like arguing over how many Angels can fit on the head of a pin. When someone asks me what Bible version they should read and study my first answer is a facetious one. That is; “One that you will read.” Then I have a serious discussion with them regarding what may be a good translation, or translations, or media (Paper or Electronic or both) that might best meet their needs. We often say that our belief system is like a three legged stool: Scripture, Tradition, and Teaching (Magisterium). Unfortunately, our stool is defective as the legs are all of unequal length. I do have hope; as the recent success of the podcast by Father Mike Schmitz using the Great Adventure Bible is great news to me.
You sound like you are more familiar with the survey results than I am. But when I was given an NAB in RCAA I set out to read the whole thing (including all the notes) cover to cover. I was not very far in before I was thoroughly scandalized. I can imagine I’m not the only one. I think it is absolutely crazy to be giving a bible with those kinds of notes in it to people just starting their faith journey.
I agree 100%. The notes are a scandal. And the text is not beautiful in any way. It is awful. But since the USCCB gets money from this awful translation (and imposes it on the faithful) it will not go away. Honestly, the Good News Bible would be preferred to this terrible translation.
I agree that many of the notes and introductions to the books of the NABRE are not suited for those who want to deepen their faith in God. Their only suited for want to study the Bible in an secular academic setting and not a faith-base church setting.
The current translation of the NAB-RE is fine, IMHO, though definitely not my favorite. Fortunately, none of the NAB lectionaries include the suspect notes and commentary found in the NAB-RE Bible.
Guys the Schuyler RSV with Apocrypha is out. Where the heck is the review??
Coming soon! The copy I pre-ordered was delayed in transit (despite choosing the Fedex shipping option), so I haven’t received it yet. I’m excited to see it as soon as it arrives.
Here’s a typically wonderful video review from R. Grant Jones: https://youtu.be/LxICiv-G5JI
The new RSV Quentel w/ Apocrypha & Deuterocanonicals is an exceptionally crafted bible. The finest. Highly recommended.