Many thanks to reader Alfredo Watkins, who recently purchased the hardcover edition of the ESV-CE from the Augustine Institute, and generously agreed to share a review on the blog!
I recently received my hardcover copy of the ESV-CE Holy Bible from the Augustine Institute. It is available for $27 (plus shipping), making it comparable in price to the hardcover Ignatius RSV2CE. Overall, I am very pleased! I went with the FedEx shipping and it arrived in just a few days with no issues. The hardcover version did not come with the box or letter that was included with Timothy’s bonded leather version, but the volume was shrink-wrapped and safely packaged.
The cover design on the front is very attractive. It makes one want to pick up the volume and hold it in one’s hands. The two ribbons, which match the color schema, also look quite nice.

The spine is somewhat busy. As you can see, there is quite a bit of text on there. In particular, the double instances of “ESV Catholic Edition” and “English Standard Version Catholic Edition” can seem rather repetitive at first.
However, I find that over time I don’t mind it, and in fact I am somewhat glad they designed it this way, since it emulates the spine of a “real” Crossway ESV. See, for example, here. One ecumenical benefit of this is to reinforce the notion that you and your evangelical friends really are using the same Bible.
The text is in the same format as the other ESV-CEs published by the Augustine Institute.
Part of the reason I went for this volume despite owning the original paperback “Augustine Bible” is that I prefer hardcovers. Until now, my go-to Bible for reading has still been my hardback Ignatius RSV2CE. The hardback ESV-CE will now likely come to share that role with my Ignatius Bible, and may even supplant it to some extent. They certainly complement each other nicely.
Both Bibles are about the same height.
However, the Ignatius Bible is definitely thicker, by just under 1/2 an inch. (Of course, the benefit of this that the Ignatius Bible has minimal ghosting.)
The hardcover ESV-CE also contains some small but notable improvements to the original paperback Augustine Bible. In the first place, it was a great idea to stop calling it that. Until more features are added than the bare text of the ESV-CE itself, it seems more appropriate to have the cover and spine simply state the name of the translation. (Plus, you will no longer have to explain to your Protestant friends that this is not some strange Bible different from theirs.)
The hardcover is definitely thinner, and lies open more flatly, giving you a wider inner margin. Most importantly, the paper quality is noticeably better, at least in my copy. The paper is whiter, and ghosting seems to be less of an issue. You can see the difference in paper quality and coloration here (paperback Augustine Bible on the left, hardback on the right).
Ultimately, I am very happy with this Bible. It will certainly be one of my primary Bibles going forward, though I must say that occasionally I prefer a reading in the RSV2CE over the ESV-CE. Interestingly, there are a few cases where the RSV2CE modified the original RSV-CE translation while the ESV-CE kept it. Just to give one example from the Mass readings the other day, Psalm 138 in the ESV-CE has this:
“I give you thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise.”
The ESV-CE follows the RSV-CE in referring to “gods,” while the RSV2CE (like the NABRE) reads “angels”:
“I give you thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart; before the angels I sing your praise.”
Another example in the Psalms is the reading of “mercy” vs. “steadfast love.” I like “mercy.” Interestingly, I often find myself slightly preferring the RSV2CE Psalms as being just a little bit more readable. And in the New Testament, there is the matter of “expiation” vs. “propitiation.” I like “expiation.” (Obviously, Crossway doesn’t!) For these and other reasons, I will probably be using both translations, and I don’t believe one can fully replace the other. That goes both ways, though, and having spent some time with it I definitely think the ESV-CE is worth adding to one’s library.
I hope at some point in the future to get a bonded leather copy to compare the hardcover with (probably distant future though on my budget!). But if you like hardcovers like I do, this is a great, relatively affordable choice. The improvements in quality over the earlier Augustine Bible, as well as the Augustine Institute’s swift move to offer these new Bibles at competitive prices, are good signs that they are listening to their customers and that we can expect them in the future to be responsive to what ESV-CE readers would like to see. As their visually pleasing new website illustrates, the Augustine Institute appears to be all-in on this project, so I am sure there are more good things to come.
The RSV-2CE changes were made by the CDW. Ignatius Press worked directly with the CDW to create a Lectionary from the RSV-CE and the changes are derived from the traditional Biblical renderings of the Latin Vulgate. The work done to create the RSV-2CE would become the basis of the guidelines for translation set forth in the document Liturgiam Authenticam. The RSV-2CE should have been the starting point in creating the ESV-CE, as it is essentially an updated RSV and is intended for use in the Liturgy. I don’t think it has anything to do with restrictions from Crossway. I think it is simply because this didn’t occur to the Indian Bishops, IMHO. I don’t have a reference off hand, but I do remember seeing that the ESV-CE is undergoing further changes for use in the UK Lectionary. Perhaps some of the instances listed in the OP will be changes made. AND I wonder if there will be another edition of the ESV-CE once the new Lectionary is complete, including the Revised Grail Psalms, basically the new “CTS” Bible. I have to admit I was on the fence about getting this Augustine hardcover because it is a beautiful Bible. Since then, Schuyler has announced a premium RSV, slated for next year. I think I am going to save my $$ because I want to pick that up, especially if it ends up being a reference edition. I got the ATC Edition of the ESV-CE, so I will content myself with that, even though this Augustine Edition looks nicer, and a little bigger font. Thanks Alfredo for the nice review!
That is very interesting, Jonny. Thanks for sharing this info.
I bought a copy of both the black leather edition as well as the hardcover edition, and I love them both. At this point I am using the hardcover edition more (simply because I prefer hardcover editions in general more), but I have now decided the ESV-CE will be my primary translation of Scripture.
Which reads more smoothly for personal reading, ESV or RSV2CE?
Thanks for the helpful review.
I have the ATC ESV-CE. Love the translation but the font is a too small for me. I think I’ll hold out and see if someone comes out with a large print RSV-CE.
In my opinion the ESV reads a bit more smoothly than the RSV-2CE, but the 2CE has a more classically Catholic flavor at times.
I prefer the ESV but YMMV.
Err that was a typo – meant to say I’m holding out for a large print ESV-CE.
Thanks Steve. Leaning towards the ESV but I like the RSV2C because of the Catholic terms in certain cases. ESV with Catholic flavour would have been really great! I have the atc ESV, but font size is the issue.
Mike – Is there a difference in the paper quality between the hardcover and bonded leather edition? I was a little disappointed in the amount of ghosting in the hardcover edition.
Admittedly this will be somewhat of a negative review. I myself have eagerly awaited a Catholic edition of the ESV since The Indian conference of Catholic bishops had made it available. I should have gone with my gut and ordered the copy from India which would have been much less expensive.
Obviously there are some issues with the ESV translation as pointed out by Douglas Beaumont’s video on YouTube. That not withstanding, I still eagerly wanted a copy.
I placed my online order on the 16th of October and it did not arrive until the 31st. The original reviewer on this website mentioned “a few days”. I had purchased this ESV as a birthday gift for a person that is very finicky about the condition of his bibles. It took a whopping 15 days for The Bible to arrive. The birthday party event had come and gone. The Augustine institute does not have a USPS media mail option. If so it was not disclosed at checkout. The advertised price of this Bible is about $26. The fedex shipping cost was between $10 -$11. When you think about it that is nearly 40% of the original cost.
Therefore I don’t think it’s worth it to order through the Augustine institute and pay nearly 40% of the original cost only for the shipping. Especially if it will take 15 days. I also told a friend about this Bible and he too ordered it from the Augustine institute directly also taking that amount of time.
While The Bible was shipped in a somewhat sturdy cardboard container it’s still arrived quite damaged. My friend’s copy also arrived damaged. Since the birthday party had come and gone I decided to keep the Bible for myself. Upon receipt I opened the parcel to find a major dinged edge on the backside. Not wanting to go through the hassle of a return I decided to open the plastic only to find that the inside pages were also bent. Upon closer inspection the glossy cover was also damaged with a line dent down the middle. I went to the website where I ordered it and their return policy is that only unopened items can be returned.
Admittedly I find the materials used to construct this ESV to be cheap. The matte cover dings too easily and is prone to scratches. I’ve had the Bible for less than 24 hours and it is already more damaged beyond it’s arrival condition. I rested a wood Rosary upon it about an hour ago only to find by grabbing it, left streaks on the cover.
All things considered the RSV 2nd Catholic edition put out by Ignatius press is a superior Bible. Ignatius press has been a publisher for many years and I am sure they know what counts as durable. My RSV 2nd Catholic edition that I have had since 2006 is still in wonderfully good condition. If you go to Amazon today to order an RSV you will notice at a hard cover durable gold stamped cover edition costs about $18. That means with prime you will get the Bible faster than the institute can send you a copy and it will cost you much less. If you really want an ESV Catholic edition it would be more profitable to wait for Amazon to carry the item which will probably cost less at its base price and be faster in shipping. Also if your Bible arrives damaged, Amazon will be much more amenable to returns.
I ordered the ESV-CE from India. It was $12 and shipping was $17. It took a lot longer than 15 days.
Is the binding sewn on your india copy?
The numbering on the psalms on this new ESV really bothers me. Or I should say not having the Greek numbering in brackets bothers me. I have no idea why anyone would release a Bible without those in each psalm these days.
Especially if someone conducts a Bible study and the students have a translation that follows the Greek numbering, like the Vulgate and those translated from it, and the leader can’t explain from the top of his head why their numbering is different.
Is it too much to ask to put the Greek and Latin numbers in brackets on each corresponding psalm? I won’t buy the ESV-CE until it has it. Seems sloppy work.
Also, did they correct the “forword” blunder?
I’ve purchased 3 Augustine Bibles. The hardcover I really don’t like -I know this sounds silly- as the cover is rather slippery and difficult to hold. It also seems to be cheaply made. The paperback in the slipcover is ok, yet both of these editions have print that is too small and there is zero room for notes. I also note at this date that the Augustine Institute has been VERY silent about this project since it’s introduction. No word about a Study Bible, no word on large print edition. I’m not impressed with the quality of these products. They also are overpriced. Why can’t Catholics have a Bible that is well-made? Why can’t Catholics have a Study BIble with the OLD TESTAMENT as well as the NEW? Crossway’s Bibles are not much better quality. And perhaps in 2054 the OT Study Bible will be published by Ignatius Press. But even that will likely be so big, so thick to make it impractical. I guess I may just go back to my Oxford RSV Study Bible.
Is the hardcover ESV-ce a sewn binding? Can we get a clearer shot of the signatures (or n signatures) please? Thank you.