Two years ago, Bishop Robert Barron announced in a podcast that his ministry, Word on Fire, would be publishing a study bible aimed at opening up the Bible’s message to a modern audience. Since that time, Word on Fire has been quietly working to bring the project to press. Today, they announced that the first volume of this study bible is scheduled to be released on June 15th. See this link for the promotional site. So far, there are few details on what translation the bible will use, or what the study resources will be like. The promotional photo gives me hope that this will be a well-constructed bible (dare I say a piece of art?). See Bishop Barron’s announcement below:
I really do not like multi-volume Bibles.
I really, REALLY do not like Bibles marketing on the celebrity of its brand, as if the translation and text features are an afterthought.
So very Catholic.
Signed, a perpetually annoyed RCIA convert.
Would it change your impression if they called it the “Word on Fire Bible Commentary”?
Only in the sense that it’s more accurate.
I wish they’d do the same thing to the “Ignatius Catholic Study Bible.”
As soon as you’re splitting it into multiple books, it’s a commentary, not a Bible.
And that’s why such branding makes me viscerally angry: it’s like publishers assume Catholics are so Biblically illiterate we won’t care because we won’t understand the difference or know how to use it anyway.
I want a study Bible: a good one-volume Bible with decent notes from a Catholic perspective that accomodates both text criticism and apologetics.
The closest thing I’ve found in the Didache Bible from MIdwest Theological Forum, available with both the RSV-2CE (as an “Ignatius” edition) and the NABRE.
Word on Fire is a franchise cashing in on the celebrity of its Bishop. Nothing more.
There is also the Navarre Study Bible in a single volume NT with copious notes that are supremely Catholic and supremely faithful to the Magisterium of the Church OR the multi-volume Old and New Testaments which are priceless even though they are multi-volume. I am a bit weary of anything that Bishop Barron puts out these days.
I too am a convert from the Southern Baptist faith. My husband and I have been researching catholic bibles. Does anyone know if the New American Bible Revised Edition’s portion of the New Testament has been revised? I know the Old Testament was revised in 2011. It would be great to find a bible with pages for notetaking.
I love my relationship with Jesus and my Catholic faith. I enjoy Bishop Barron very much – he is a great teacher! I do agree with Christopher Buckley – it was a turn-off to me and my husband that Word on Fire is cashing in on the popularity of Bishop Barron. I agree also that a bible becomes more of a commentary when it is split into various volumes.
The catholic church does a great job providing their parishioners with the tools of FORMED, which we watch and learn from all the time. I believe the church and catholics are doing a better job of witnessing and evangelizing for Jesus. However, we do not want to become like some of the huge mega churches where the appearance seems to be more about money than sharing the gospel with others.
Welcome to you and your husband, Becky! The US bishops have approved a revision of the NABRE New Testament, and there is a team of scholars currently working on it. The preliminary estimate is that it will be released in 2025, but large projects like this often run longer than expected.
The New Testament translation currently in the NABRE was completed in 1986. It is a revision of the original 1970 NAB New Testament, and it is a fairly literal translation according to most authorities. For translation accuracy, it is very good, although its literal translation philosophy leads to run-on sentences and stilted language in some places.
Our Sunday Visitor currently publishes a NABRE Journaling Bible, which has ruled margins for notes. i did a quick review of it here:
As a Baptist to Catholic convert myself, I would suggest the RSV-2CE (Ignatius Press) or ESV-CE (Augustine Press) as a more natural fit than the NAB.
The NAB linguistic style, in whatever revision, I have always found pretty jarring (even vs the Living Bible and the NIV).
The leather-bound Ignatius RSV-2CE is probably the best value Catholic Bible as well. Looks nice, good paper, sewn binding, and only around $22 delivered from Amazon.
The bible/commentary dichotomy you’re describing is rather incoherent considering “The Bible” is not a book, but a library of books. Were the early Christians reading off papyri “biblically illiterate” because they may have called one scroll containing the Acts of the Apostles “sacred scripture”? What if that scroll had a gloss on it? Is it now “a commentary”? I understand your desire for a single-volume bible and the convenience it provides, but if it’s more fitting for what Word on Fire is trying to accomplish with this edition to split it into multiple volumes, why shouldn’t they? Or rather, why should they feel the need to cram all of that into a single codex? It is still “The Bible” in that it’s primary purpose is to present the word of God. Just buy a different one, man.
I have been hesitant concerning Bishop Barron in the past (mostly on theological issues back in my “rad trad” days), but to accuse their ministry of simply “cashing in” is verging on slanderous. It is very obvious that he is an effective teacher and tens of thousands of Catholics benefit from his work. Because he recognizes that his ministry is effective, does that make him somehow a greedy capitalist? St. Paul made ready use of his celebrity to admonish and teach the faithful.
There’s no reason to impute such motives to Word on Fire. And besides, even if they WERE proclaiming Christ “out of selfish ambition, not from pure motives, …
what difference does it make, as long as in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being proclaimed?”
In that we should all rejoice.
AMEN!!!! Thank you for this explanation and I would like to add Bishop Barron is the creator and chief editor of this Bible, he’s not being ‘used’ by Word on Fire, he’s being used by the Holy Spirit to bring the living Word to the starving masses!
This is incredibly pessimistic. It’s one thing to criticize them for how they’ve branded this product. It’s another thing entirely to make such a stark claim about their entire operation’s purpose. Please soften your heart. If not for other people, then at least for your own sake.
I feel like you are being pretty judgemental. The bible itself is a collection of multiple books. You seem to lack charity and love for your fellow man. I hope one day you will see the err in your ways
Christopher before you jump the wagon, and make all these assumed comments lets wait and see. If you have followed Bishop Robert Barron know it is probably an incredible resource. So do not let satan run about ourselves and lets see what inspiration the Lord our God intends to enlighten us with this newer take to understanding with a resource aimed I am sure to teaching many who question in a better well thought out aid to our understanding things better and clearer! just saying lets be positive
Have you tried The Catholic Study Bible, Third Edition (Oxford University Press)? Nearly half the book is commentary, and it contains essays on scripture from a Catholic perspective. I highly recommend it.
I think you must be unfamiliar with Bishop Barron to make a comment, not to mention an unfounded assumption. It is great to be “on fire” (no pun intended) for the Lord, for a good Bible, for Catholicism. But when it turns into fervid opposition to something you haven’t even viewed or considered, that is a problem.
As a cradle Catholic and returning Catholic, I am also searching for a biblical Catholic perspective. I believe I have made the right decision in purchasing both the “Word On Fire” and The Great Adventure” Bibles.
Christopher, be thankful you are not burdened with pre-Vatican II Doctrine and the Latin Mass – I loved both – I’m now searching for balance.
Catholics don’t do anything in one volume:-) God Bless, You.
As a non catholic I’m very interested in getting a copy to gain a perspective on how papists interperet the word of God, I only wish I knew how much it was going to cost and must say that I find it a bit perplexing why an entity would advertise something like this without the option to preorder or given a price point.
It is my understanding that it will be coming in a paperback version too – that is what Bishop Barron said in his “unboxing” video.
Joseph, you don’t have to get a copy of this book to gain a perspective on Catholic interpretations of the Bible. Google it or get any study Bible, old or new, that’s approved by the Church. While you’re at it, look up St. Irenaeus. He played a decisive role in fixing the canon of the New Testament that’s accepted by all Christians today.
Look at The Word on Fire Bible Leads with Beauty and User Friendly Commentary for the National Catholic Register for the price (s) and a good review.
God Bless
I thought I was the only one who found the apologetics industrial complex tiresome. I will follow the news.of this with interest because I like multi volume bibles, but I could do without the branding, no matter how nice this may prove to be.
This is really interesting! It never crossed my mind that the branding would be unpopular. The type of branding that annoys me is when publishers slap their name on a bible that has no additional study features or commentary to distinguish it. I’m thinking of the “Augustine Bible” (a bare-bones paperback ESV-CE) or the “Ignatius Bible” (a bare-bones RSV-CE). To me, the branding for the “Word on Fire Bible” belongs in a similar category with the “New Oxford Annotated Bible” — a bible that is distinguished by its commentary and notes.
In all fairness, the “Ignatius Bible” is the branded usage of the RSV-2CE as negotiated by Ignatius Press with the NCCUSA.
A bit similar to Crossways’ license to rebrand its revision to the RSV as the “ESV.”
The actual copyright recognized by NCCUSA reads:
“[Scripture quotations are from] Revised Standard Version of the Bible—Second Catholic Edition (Ignatius Edition) Copyright © 2006 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.”
In fact, unlike NCC’s other fair use provisions for quoting the RSV, RSV-CE, and NRSV:
“We are unable to grant permissions and licenses for the RSV-2CE. For permissions, contact Ignatius Press.”
The comparison between the ESV and the RSV-2CE is a good one, because in both cases, a new publisher (Crossway and Ignatius Press, respectively) has exclusive rights to the translation, rather than the National Council of Churches. But Crossway decided to advertise their translation with a non-branded name (English Standard Version), which has the virtue of also indicating what family this translation belongs to (the name is similar to the Revised Standard Version which the ESV is based on). On the other hand, Ignatius Press decided to call the RSV-2CE the “Ignatius Bible.” That branded term actually pre-dates the RSV-2CE. Ignatius Press used to publish an RSV-CE in a blue hardcover (or softcover). That bible was also called the “Ignatius Bible.” It was a bare-bones RSV-CE with no extra study materials.
Someone may have already posted this but I am a Catholic Deacon and I have one of the Great Adventure Study Bibles from Ascension Press. It is great. I use it all the time. One volume.
My husband is also a deacon and received this bible as a gift. I have read through the Old Testament books for the three month program and it helped me “decipher” the Bible in a whole new way. Highly recommend…
as in the book made by man or by the spirit of god
RCIA convert. a who whut he say
It is labeled “Vol. I” meaning (and Bishop Barron talked about this) there will be MORE. He said they will be publishing 6 altogether, covering the whole Bible. They will come later. I understand your frustration, I hope this cleared it up.
Unlike the John MacArthur Study Bible or the Charles Stanley Life Principles Bible?
So very Protestant.
Signed, a perpetually thankful RCIA convert.
Agreed. Ignatius has a beautiful NT study bible. The OT is taking quite a long time but there are many books to cover.
But recently hearing about how he told Jewish scholar Ben Shapiro he had nothing to worry about when it came to not being baptized!!!! WHAT? He did Mr Shapiro a great disservice. It was a great opportunity to invite him to baptism. That isn’t all. After hearing this and other things, I realized just how off base he is with doctrine. It doesn’t matter what he advertizes, I won’t be looking up to him anymore. Our priests and bishops are getting so far off base that they are leading the flock down the wrong path
This is a rude comment to the Bishop and his staff who spent time putting together such a great book for us. If you want a Catholic study bible get The Great Adventure Study Bible. As I learned on a YouTube review there will be many parts to this, and this is the first one. It has to be divided into parts or it would’ve too thick. This is a study bible with commentary only on the four Gospels.
If you do not like multi volume bibles then don’t buy it. The making of this is not saying Catholics do not know the Bible. I personally own more than 10 bibles, Catholic and Protestant, journaling, studying, etc. They are all different and for different purposes, Thank you Bishop for making this and I look so forward to studying this and reading all the notes to help me learn the gospels. God bless you and all who helped in this project.
The wagering opens:
RSV-CE (-250)
NABRE (-150)
RSV2CE (-100)
NRSV (+100)
Douay-Challoner (+150)
Original Douay Rheims with complete belligerent annotations (+200)
The Message Remix (+2,000,000)
I asked Brandon Vogt, on Facebook, if the translation abbreviation starts with “NAB….”
He wrote back, “Not NAB.”
I agree that RSV-CE or RSV2CE are the most likely. For his target audience though, he would probably an ideal world want a literal translation a bit on the dynamic side with a moderate amount of inclusive language. Thinking outside the box, the REB would have made a fantastic choice.
“Original Douay Rheims with complete belligerent annotations (+200)”
Not belligerent but to the point. Remember that was published during the English Reformation and the scholars had to refute the heresies that were being promoted by the Anglicans. I have a copy of the NT and it is an excellent source of information for apologetics and debates with fundamentalist and your run-of-the mill anti-Catholic bible thumper.
Bishop Barron just featured an early unboxing on his Instagram story. A quick comparison at Luke 20 shows that its the NRSV.
So disappointed that it’s multi-volume as id Ignatius Study Bible. I get a bit turned off by both Word on Fire and Ascension Press…hard to tell what comes first with them: faith or finances…ministry or money? St. Benedict called it right in his Rule (Chp. 57) when he decreed that the works of those dedicated to God should be sold at a price lower than market value. But thankfully their theology is solid.
Remember that they are marketing to the masses; that is their stated mission at Word on Fire. If the commentary is helpful to folks and the additional features are good, then praise the Lord!
If you want to discuss putting finances above ministry, however, you can’t beat the USCCB’s copyright folks; nobody else is even on the same level.
Amen to USCCB comment! How in the world they can charge for Scripture and Liturgy is mind boggling, most specially because they have a monopoly on those “official” texts.
According to Liturgiam Authenticam 117, whenever and wherever possible, texts to be used for the liturgy are to be copyrighted and the rights are “to remain with the Conferences of Bishops or their national liturgical Commissions….The same body shall possess the right of taking any measures necessary to prevent or correct any improper use of the texts.”
The USCCB does not charge for the use of the NABRE. The only time licensing fees are required are when quotations of the NABRE occur in a commercial work or when quotations of the NABRE entail such a large portion in the new work that it actually makes a new edition of the NABRE or of a particular book of the NABRE from which the quotation comes.
“Copyright” does not create a commercial product. It restricts the right of copy of an intellectual property to a single person or body. Such a person or body may restrict such rights as prevent them altogether, such as the owner of a famous painting prevents others from making copies of a masterpiece from others making copies and selling them. The law of “copyright” prevents intellectual property from becoming a commercial if the owner of said property doesn’t want it to.
When a commercial work is made that quote the NABRE, they license (pay a royalty from what they earn) that goes not just the USCCB but to the printers, the distributors, and the Catholic Biblical Association and its translators and current project of revising the New Testament.
Some of the funds that go the CBA help fund future Biblical projects that educate Catholics across the United States in the form of commentaries and USCCB catechesis works.
Financing is the means of ministry, not a means of ignoring it. As an autistic man, I am confused that people without learning abilities aren’t more learned on how the USCCB licensing of the NABRE works. I feel hurt for the Church.
@Mr. Chad Meyer, OP
Thank you for bringing this insight to bear on the overly stressed criticism begun by Mr. Buckley. Two events in particular, both brought to public attention by the Pew Institute on Religion in the U. S. [e. g. the rise of / affiliation of the “nones” & the more recent, beliefs / or lack thereof of Catholics regarding the “real Presence” of Christ in the Eucharist] have been pressing loci of interest for Bishop Barron.
His earlier videos on Word on Fire focused on the statistic “fallen away” Catholics comprising the largest religious demographic after affiliated Catholics and were a larger demographic before even the two largest Protestant denominations in the United States individually [i. e. Baptists and Methodists]. However groups such as Catholics Come Home, the Coming Home Network, the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology and the Institute of Catholic Culture seemed to be reaching out to that demographic rather well [i. e. forty (40) to seventy (70) yr old Catholics raised during the time of “beige Catholicism” when doctrine was watered down and who would have left for a “born again” Protestant evangelical denomination who offered “Bible studies” to lure uncatechized Catholics into the “true” meaning of the Bible].
So the focus seemed to shift to the Gen X & the “millenial generation” [i. e. 30 something Catholics & under] who had been lured away by the secular-atheist commentariat [e. g. Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, et al] and the resulting indifference to anything related to God and religion [the “meh” generation]. So I uncategorically and wholeheartedly agree that this version of the sacred Scriptures is not intended for arcane Bibliophile academics such as Mr. Buckley, but intended to reach out in missionary love to blue collar working class Catholics with an average education who are more in tune with the aesthetic transcendental, but open to cogent, reasonable commentary on the sacred Scriptures from a Catholic perspective and engaging in the most common objections to the Catholic position with which they may have been inoculated by the prevailing secularist-atheist culture in which they are currently swimming.
So, Praised be Jesus Christ! Now and forever! for the Word on Fire Bible and may its evangelistic mission to the new paganism of our time be blessed by the Lord to the salvation of their souls, an increase in Catholic virtue and the glory of God and His Church!
Check the information provided. The first volume will be the Gospels only. That’s what is stated on the “info page”, along with the “timer”. So, unlike many multi-volumes, this begins only with the Gospels. Brandon Vogt (Bishop Barron’s “#2” guy) has stated on Facebook that the translation will neither be NAB-related or ESV-CE. I wonder why this aspect (rather important) is being kept “under wraps”. In my experience with Protestant Bibles, aside from page-shots, pretty darn much everything is listed prior to the publication of a new edition (red lettering, wide margins, translation, font, e.g.). This “shhh” method is quite annoying (and Lent is over, so now I have to work on a fault in the joys of Easter!). There seems to be an emphasis on art, insight and tradition. Hmm. Art: lots of glossy images; Insight: Commentary, opinion?; tradition: I note this is written with a “small t”.
As much of Word on Fire offerings are on the high end, price-wise [The Rule of St Benedict, along with the Life of St Benedict by Pope St Gregory the Great, 159 pages, $29.95, e.g.], we might need a good percentage of any “stimulus” checks to afford the first volume.
I like Bishop Barron, but the WOF branding does rub me the wrong way…. to cooperate and slick. That said his insights are usually of value so I am hopeful this Commentary will be helpful, depending on the target audience. I do have the WOF version of JHN’s The Development of Christian Doctrine and it is a well made book. I wouldn’t want to buy many books at the price point, but if there is a text they sell that you really like, you will get a handsome made copy.
I contacted the Word on Fire ministries and the Word on Fire Bible will use the NRSV-CE translation.
Wow, I’m very surprised. That’s a bold choice, and I’m very glad to hear it. To be honest, I was bracing myself to be disappointed, figuring that they probably chose the RSV-CE.
The choice of the NRSV-CE puts me in the “No, thank you” corner. Today (5/6/20), during an online podcast about Catholic home libraries, Brandon Vogt made a bare reference to the upcoming “Word on Fire” Bible (this has a Protestant sound to it), that the Bible will have (along with the Biblical text) commentary by Bishop Barron, the saints and Church Fathers. https://burrowshirepodcast.com/library/
I am not a NRSV hater, but I would have preferred the RSV (with modern pronouns) or the RSV-CE2 as these would have been the realistic alternatives. I would also have loved the REB and the Jerusalem Bible. The press kit does show that it is going to be a well made Bible, a thing of beauty. I am not sure of the quality of the commentary though, that will be the determining factor in whether I buy it or not.
Where is all the marketing that everyone is complaining about? I couldn’t find anything more than a tweet and a one sentence blurb.
Trying to see the forest thru the trees here: if a quality catholic study bible is coming out, hallelujah. If it’s stuffed with so much commentary that it needs to be split up into multiple volumes even better.
But the proof will be in the pudding. Is there more info available? I couldn’t find enough info to get either annoyed or excited about yet.
I get almost-daily emails, and since I’m on social media, I see ads on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram almost daily as well. Prior to this, when the book Centered came out, I think I was averaging 1-2 emails a day just to promote the book, which did get tedious. The amount of promotion/marketing that I see may also have to do with the fact that I’m a WoF member.
I agree with you, though. Even if we have our preferences, someone (hopefully many) out there will benefit greatly from a beautiful bible. And it’s not ‘just’ the Gospels – it’s THE GOSPELS! WoF aspires to lead by beauty, and it will be beautiful indeed if it could lead a non-believer or our Protestant brothers and sisters to the Catholic Church!
I see that the Gospel of Saint John is rendered as “The Gospel of John” – as C. S. Lewis is said to have said re a fashionable edition in the 1950s, couldn’t we at least call him MISTER John?”
And will this edition of the Bible be printed in a free country? So many products of the busy Bible industry are printed in a Communist nation.
I don’t know if anyone saw this, but there’s a WOF Bible “Press Kit” (link at the end of my message), the FAQ confirms that it’s NRSV-CE as mentioned earlier. I know it’s mentioned above, but the webpage has many photos of the WOF Bible- Gospels Volume. Some pics of the commentary section as well– the font of the commentary is not to my liking, but it looks to be single column for the biblical text and dual column for the commentary.
It seems as though the Press Kit link is dead. BUT, here’s the cached URL (at least on May 8, it was accessible): https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3At0684jToyVsJ%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.wordonfire.org%2Fbible-press%2F%20&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us#tve-jump-171c7e2084a
Was following scott hahn… he says the didache bible is one of the better translations esp for apologetics… your inputs?
I see that some individuals are frustrated about the branding, and I suppose I can understand that. But as a counterpoint, remember that none of the information present in this “Word On Fire Bible” is necessarily exclusive besides Bishop Barron’s commentary. If you have some cash laying around and wish to invest in a well-made product that synthesizes Church Father and contemporary commentaries with Bishop Barron’s thoughts, then this is a great buy. If you prefer to dig through New Advent and find the source materials yourselves for free, go for it. The development of this Bible seemed to be a long and costly process, but it seems that the objective was to create a visually-appealing and well-built Bible that brings many aspects of the Catholic Faith (History, Patristics, contemporary authors like Chesterton and O’Connor, current Bishop commentaries, sacred art, etc.) into a single package. This item is by no means an essential item for an already-practicing Catholic, but is a nice complementary piece to add to your collection or gift to a friend/family member.
Bias warning: I do really love Word on Fire’s work and I credit their ministry for my “reversion,” and I will be purchasing this when it releases.
It looks like it will be a high-quality edition to my study Bible collection (with the fantastic Ignatius NT and the Navarre commentary). That said, what I really want to see is a truly premium ESV-CE Bible with a goatskin cover (no bonded leather) and guilded pages. Something like this: https://evangelicalbible.com/product/schuyler-quentel-esv-black-goatskin-bible-preorder-1/
The Catholic Bible Reviews channel on Youtuve has an unboxing and review of the Word on Fire Bible up right now. It looks pretty nice to me, but you might want to check it out.
Matt Fradd just posted a review of this Bible!
Video unboxing via Matt Fradd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpCuhyj_wvc&fbclid=IwAR2sM1qiiQaJBgYeUF1BYOPwzhWRKpvNn4P1rCEPgbqqX6LXGJRLT6TYvy8
The Question is how much will the first volume cost in usd?
The Word On Fire Press Kit site is back online.
It looks like more info is available. It is going have editions in genuine leather, hardcover, and paper. All aparently will be sewn, not glued.
Word on fire bible Gospels are just the NRSV translation. Just found that out.
My Gosh!!!
Just saw this new string of comments on the Word on Fire Bible. I thought the whole “Cathedral in a Book,” talk was just marketing hype, but this thing looks incredible. All this time I’ve spent pining after all the Bibles our Protestant Brothers and Sister get while we’re stuck with lesser offers, now finally, I think we’ve got something here that I don’t even think I’ve ever seen a Protestant Publisher attempt, especially with all the Artwork and commentary on the art work, this thing just looks amazing.
I really wasn’t looking to pickup a new Bible right now, but I don’t think I’ll be able to resist picking this up!
Someone may have already posted this but I am a Catholic Deacon and I have one of the Great Adventure Study Bibles from Ascension Press. It is great. I use it all the time. One volume.
Here is a quick look (five minutes) of this new resource. Don’t know if it has been posted before.
I was reading the news today with the unemployment numbers, and I was thinking about selling a luxury bible would be in the middle of a recession. Per the Deacon’s Bench, price point will be 60 dollars for the leather. The pictures and reviews show it is a thing of beauty. But it shows in general, the WOF’s target demographic is defintely middle class and above. College educated mainly too.. though not exclusively in either of those categories. Even with a less expensive paperback not many working class Catholics would buy a commentary series.
I think it would be an interesting post to brain storm what a Bible would look like targeting the people with earnings in the bottom third of the US. What would overlap with othet available Bibles and what would be different?
This was posted a few hours ago. Prices for this bible are included:
After viewing several “unboxing” videos on YouTube, the bible looks very attractive and well-constructed. The “Cathedral in a box” hype does suggest that this is more than a commentary but a coffee-table heirloom. The $60 cost for the leather bound was not surprising, considering the quality. I was not aware that less expensive hard copy and softbound versions were available.
I was wondering what future editions would include? The rest of the
NT, or just Paul? The whole OT? This could be pretty pricey if one want to continue buying the whole set eventually.
From what I’ve read, the rest of the NT will be in one volume in 2021. And then the OT will be in 4 or 5 volumes, one per year. So 7 total at 60 dollars is $420 (assuming all leather editions).
A beautifully produced heirloom quality series for the price of a TV set.
Seems like a bargain to me!
This is to help evangelize to bring those who seek a better understanding into the faithful
I love the idea of using sacred art to help bring the Gospels to life
People do not view art any longer with the idea of it being created to teach and spread the Gospel
If this bible saves the souls of only a few it is a blessing
The ESV-CE should NOT be used by any Catholic.
if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth. 1 Tim. 3.15 NRSV-CE
if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. 1 Tim.3.15 ESV (A pillar? How many pillars are there?)
I like the commentary of great scholars next to the gospel text. I don’t like the marketing/sales video that includes phrases like “For my money”, “Buy this for….”,
“get your hands on this”. Most objectionable was the email address collection scheme if more information was desired….like the price. They should be taking pre-orders rather than playing marketing games.
I’m really amazed at the reactions I’ve read here. I’m a lifelong Catholic, and I’m looking forward to this series, and will be one of the first to purchase the first of the series with the Gospels.
I find it disturbing that to many here, the idea of making money is a Bad Thing. There’s tons of inexpensive bibles available. Every hotel room has one. If that’s what you’re looking for, the marketplace has many solutions for you. Likewise, if you’re not in agreement with everything Bishop Barron interprets , we’re all free to choose a different source of inspiration, just as we are in parish priests.
I tend strongly towards traditionalism in both society and religion. I’m also not so proud as to be one eager to say “this is a misinterpretation” or “this is misleading” . I consider that we’re all blessed with enough intelligence guided by the Holy Spirit to be able to inhale a wide swath of spiritual information and to be able to parse what seems good and rewarding from that that doesn’t without ceding that decision to other human judgment .
The “I don’t like this so it must be bad” inference in a lot of these comments is surprising.
For me personally, I have many versions because I like to “study” the word and have found that different views based on history, culture, audience , etc. can be very useful. I subscribe to Magnificat which are the daily readings in a monthly subscription, which I find to be a beautiful way to read the bible in a condensed form on a daily basis. This particular bible seems to have followed some of the most appreciated things that we all love about Magnificat which includes inspired art, commentary from church fathers and saints as well as modern day writers, each with their unique insights.
That being said – thank you Bishop Barron and all who have worked tirelessly on this beautiful new addition to my library. God Bless!