In September, Zondervan published a brand-new single-column reference edition of the NRSV in both leatherette and genuine leather. The two editions are currently priced at $46.99 (leatherette) and $135.99 (goatskin leather) on ChristianBook. Currently, this edition is not available with the deuterocanonical books, but I wonder if Catholic Bible Press would consider printing a Catholic Edition with the same layout? Catholic Bible Press and Zondervan are both imprints of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, and this single-column edition uses the same NRSV Comfort Print font as the excellent NRSV-CE editions published by Catholic Bible Press earlier this year.
There are a couple of excellent YouTube reviews of the premium goatskin edition from Tim Wildsmith and Bible Believing Christian.
I reached out to customer service at HarperCollins Christian Publishing to ask if they would consider publishing this edition with the Apocrypha/deuterocanonical books. In response, they said there are no current plans to offer this Bible with the Apocrypha, but they were open to suggestions for the future. If anyone else would like to see this Bible with the Apocrypha, I encourage you to contact either HarperCollins using their contact page or Catholic Bible Press at (800) 834-7828.
Why spend so much money on an edition of the NRSV when an update to the NRSV will be published in the near future?
Because I don’t think the update is going yo be all that significant, probably no more difference than between the 2007 and 2011 editions of the ESV
I agree with Biblical Catholic. My reporting on the update for the NRSV suggests that it will be a minor revision overall. That said, the updated text is expected to be finalized at the end of this year and published next year (2021), so practically speaking, if HarperCollins ever decides to publish this edition with the deuterocanonical books, the timeline to produce the new edition might make it more practical to simply publish the revised text.
Wow, watching Tim Wildsmith’s review right now. The Bible looks absolutely gorgeous. The paper quality and color, layout, bold font, minimal ghosting, etc., also seem really impressive.
I would absolutely grab one of these if they came out with the Apocrypha or if CBP published one with the Deuterocanonicals.
Have you considered doing a blog post series that compares the NRSV-Ce and the ESV-CE? If I could read Koine Greek or ancient Hebrew, I’d offer. I want to take up the One Bible for a Year challenge, but I’m indecisive. I cannot decided between these two translations 🙂
Literary quality is a toss up with perhaps a very smallish edge to the NRSV.
Theological quality. however, is the ESV in a runaway.
I’d be happy to do a comparison series! I’ll plan on posting comparisons for selected Sunday readings in the same format I’ve compared other translations in the past.
Thank you, Marc! I’ll eagerly anticipate it 🙂