Thanks to a reader for sending me a link to this edition. The Eastern Orthodox Bible (EOB) is currently a work in progress, although it has gone well past its original goal to have a completed bible by the year 2008. It is intended “to provide an English text of the Holy Scriptures that is suitable for use by Orthodox Christian communities and individuals.” The original website for the translation is no longer online, but it is currently archived at this link. The New Testament is translated from the Patriarchal Text, which is the official Greek manuscript of the New Testament used in the Greek Orthodox churches.
The Patriarchal Text was originally published in 1904 by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. As near as I can tell, it was selected from among a variety of available ecclesiastical texts. It is not a critical text (which is produced by consulting all the available manuscripts and producing a hybrid text which is likely to be closest to the original). The translation features extensive footnotes that document textual variants in other manuscripts, however.
The EOB New Testament translation was completed and submitted for ecclesiastical blessing to various hierarchs of the Orthodox churches in January of 2008. There is a Kindle edition available through Amazon which was published in 2015.
According to the original plan, the Old Testament will be translated from the Septuagint, with notes documenting manuscript differences with the Hebrew Masoretic Text and other extant manuscripts. The bible is expected to feature extensive introductions and appendices, as well as footnotes on verses that pose key theological questions, like Matthew 16:18 (upon this Rock I will build my church).
Newrome Press has printed the EOB New Testament in “manufactured leather” (probably imitation or bonded leather) with an easy-to-carry zippered form factor. The edition contains tasteful illustrations and a two-column page format. Here’s a link to the product page.
I have a copy of this new testament. I have to say I like it quite a bit. The print is rather small, but also very readable. New Rome Press likes to use these beautiful marveled end pages in their nicer books, much like the ones Baronius Press uses. Really the only thing that I dont care for about it is the zipper. I’m looking forward to a complete bible in this translation.
I’m curious what the footnotes say about Matthew 16:18. Does this edition have footnotes, Corey?
In my paperback version, it refers to an appendix. Honesty the rranslation doesn’t sing to me personally but the essays in the appendices are worth the price of the paperback alone.
They are usually quite lengthy.
A: Acts 20:28 – Presbyters and Bishops
B: Matthew 16:18 – Church and Apostles
C: John 1:1-18 – Jesus as God
D: John 15:26- Filioque Controversy
E: Mark 6:3 – Brothers of the Lord
F: Mark 16: 9-20 – Mark’s Ending
G: Luke 3:36 – The Second Cainan Controversy
This edition does have some very limited footnotes. For the most part these seem to be limited to comments on the underlying Greek of the text, that sort of thing. There are no footnotes addressing the papal claims associated with Matthew 16:18 if that is what you were wondering about.
Yep, that’s what I was curious about. Thanks for the info!
There is an appendix addressing this specific verse, its context and its meaning, in depth.
I’ve been very interested in this translation for some time. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting the Verbum software version and paring it with their Lexingham Septuagint, second edition, and some Orthodox study guides just to get a better understanding of how the Orthodox Churches understand Sacred Scripture. I’ve also had a copy of the Orthodox Study Bible on my shelf for awhile, waiting for its turn in my Bible in a year rotation. I know the OSB is controversial among the Orthodox but in all my searches for a complete Bible that represented an Orthodox perspective at all, this was pretty much the only game in town.
This Eastern Orthodox Bible though, was very fascinating when I spotted it though. I really hope they are able to complete their Old Testament at some point, I really would like to hear and see more active involvement of the Orthodox Churches in Bible translation, I think they have a very unique perspective that Catholics and Protestants alike could benefit from.
Orthodox Church has OT and NT OSB it has all 3 Maccabees. I have both just NT and I have both books in it. I love it it shows the history of the church. My favorite one is the Orthodox New testament Bible it has so much to learn.
Marc, thank you so much for keeping the Catholic Bible blogging alive :). I appreciate it and check in often to get the latest updates. Wow, I’m not sure how the EOB translation reads, but the layout, serif typeface and illustrations are absolutely beautiful! As a graphic artist I’m drawn to presentations like this…although I do prefer single column, this is still wonderful. Reminds me,… I was fortunate to find a copy of the illustrated Knox New Testament Sheed and Ward edition from the early 50s thanks to Timothy’s post a couple of years ago. It has a lot of the same beautiful treatments. Anyway, the EOB NT looks very tempting. Sure wish we could get an updated Catholic translation in a form like this – minus the zipper enclosure… One can hope. In the meantime I might have to pick this up and hope I like the translation.
I wasn’t aware of this site, or the comments about our portable EOB NT until today.
I just wanted to mention that all of the artwork in our publications is original. In the case of the EOB NT, the large plates are vector drawings based on original pen / ink works by Photios Kontoglou. These vectors are incredibly detailed, each one taking about 2 – 4 weeks to complete.
This was our first publication that uses bible paper. It was milled to our specs after a lot of testing. It is 35gsm for those who are interested in that type of detail.
Welcome Fr. Michael! Thanks for sharing the additional details. Do you have any information on whether the EOB Old Testament is still in progress?
Thanks for the welcome!
Unfortunately, it is not.
Looking ahead, Newrome Press will be publishing an illuminated edition of the Lexham LXX with original artwork based on ancient prototypes.
Father Bless!
Wow, the prospect of a Newrome Press edition of the Septuagint is an exciting one. Is this still an ongoing project Father?
I’m only a year late in responding to this… 🙂
An illustrated Septuagint is still in our long-term roadmap. You can see some of videos of our process in our instagram feed.
Here is an example: https://newrome.press/lxx
The latest from Newrome, according to what I recently read, is that this EOB NT will be paired with the Lexham LXX for a complete Orthodox Bible release this year (2025). Single column, no chapter breaks, no verse numbers. Hoping this will be an improvement over the Orthodox Study Bible, whose study notes I find helpful, but I was never terribly enamored of its OT translation and use of the NKJV for the NT.
Comparing that Exodus 1 sample to the Lexham English Septuagint, I can confirm they are identical, right down to the footnote superscript on the word “case” in Exodus 1:10 and the verbatim section headers. So, it definitely is using the LES, as indicated years ago by various “insiders” who’d commented on Newrome’s future Bible plans. Also, I haven’t kept up with Newrome’s books, though I believe their printing is done in China, for those who care about that or consider it a dealbreaker. Nevertheless, the biggest issue with simply copypasting the LES as the OT, complete with its textual notes, will be the obvious mismatch with the EOB NT’s notes section, which, even in its Newrome “pocket” NT edition, had at times quite lengthy explanatory notes that are obviously absent from the LES. As long as the process no doubt would’ve taken, given how long it’s been since the EOB NT came out, I really wish the EOB OT had been continued, for it surely would’ve been completed by now, designed uniformly to match the EOB NT. Alas.
Also, it appears like it will be double-columned, not single-columned, based on the images they’ve posted on Instagram (where they also confirm it’s the LES):
These images also indicate it will initially be released as a plain, red hardcover with a sewn binding, A4 paper size (297mm x 210mm, or 11.69″ x 8.27″).
The failure to complete the EOB Old Testament is still a great tragedy. The comprehensive methodology of the EOB’s textual notes, and its embrace of patristics for deciding readings, served a unique role amongst modern translations, and it would’ve absolutely been a must-own had it been completed. The fact that only the EOB New Testament was ever released in a printed edition masks the fact that, if anyone is old enough to remember, several books of the EOB Old Testament were actually completed and samples of some of them made available to download as PDFs on the EOB site. If I remember correctly, the full Psalter, with Psalm 151 and the Prayer of Manasses included, and some of the Minor Prophets were previewed publicly, before final editing and the addition of textual notes were done. I really wish the EOB Old Testament project was revived, but the decision by Newrome to just use the Lexham English Septuagint seems to confirm that it is dead.