A few months ago, I came across a new book (published in 2023) by Fr. Frank Matera entitled Praying the Psalms in the Voice of Christ: A Christological Reading of the Psalms in the Liturgy of the Hours. I purchased the Kindle edition of the book. I have often struggled Continue Reading
Review: NABRE XL from Catholic Bible Press
Catholic Bible Press (part of Harper Collins Christian Publishing) published an extra-large NABRE in 2022 as a follow-up to their Large Print NABRE which I reviewed here. The large print edition has been one of my favorite bibles for the past few years. The text is easy to read, and Continue Reading
NCC Has Applied for Imprimatur on NRSVue
Last month, the owner of Riggins Rights Management, a company that represents the rights for the RSV, NRSV, and NRSVue translations, posted on the Fans of the NRSV Bible Facebook group to confirm that the National Council of Churches (NCC) has applied for an imprimatur on the NRSVue from the Continue Reading
Review: Schuyler ESV Quentel with Apocrypha
Many thanks to Matthew Kudija for his excellent review of the new ESV Quentel shortly after it released a month ago. I pre-ordered the full yapp crimson red calfskin edition (with apocrypha) and received it about a week after Matthew wrote his review. Printing Irregularities Before anything else, I’d like Continue Reading
Bible Study Tidbit: Psalm 110:3
Psalm 110 is prayed by the Church every Sunday evening at Vespers in the Liturgy of the Hours. It has long been seen as a prophecy of Christ and his victory over death, evil, and the powers of this world. It is cited or alluded to in the Gospel of Continue Reading
Pre-Orders Have Begun for Complete Ignatius Catholic Study Bible
Thanks to James for pointing out in the comments that pre-orders for the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (ICSB) are now publicly available on the Ignatius Press website. The hardcover edition is listed for $64.95, and the leather edition is listed for $79.95. The release date is expected to be November Continue Reading
Very Low Price on NRSV-CE Illustrated Catholic Bible from Catholic Bible Press
I just noticed that the genuine leather over board hardcover edition of the NRSV-CE Illustrated Catholic Bible is currently listed at the lowest price ever recorded on Amazon — $74.39. For the past year and a half, this edition has generally been listed between $110 and $140. I don’t own Continue Reading
Review: Schuyler Quentel ESV with Apocrypha — Guest Post by Matthew Kudija
There is a new option now available for Catholics looking for a premium Bible thanks to the recent release of the updated Schuyler Quentel ESV with Apocrypha. Schuyler released the RSV with Apocrypha (reviewed here) several years ago, and announced earlier this year that the ESV Quentel was being redesigned Continue Reading
Review: NRSVUE Popular Text Bible w/ Apocrypha Split Calf Leather
It was only last month that I had the opportunity to review Cambridge’s new hardcover NRSVUE Popular Text w/ Apocrypha. One of the main things I remarked about that edition was how wonderful the page layout was and the easy readability of the text. In regards to the inside contents, Continue Reading
Preorders for Ignatius Catholic Study Bible begin July 1st
In an update email to subscribers this morning, Ignatius Press shared a few bits of news on the complete Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (ICSB):