Welcome to the sixth week of comparing the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) with the Revised English Bible (REB) for the second reading at Sunday’s Mass. As mentioned in the introduction, this will be a chance to compare a strongly literal translation like the NABRE New Testament with a much more dynamic translation Continue Reading
A Few Days with the Confraternity Bible: Part 2
This is the second in a two-part series on the Confraternity Version — the predecessor of the New American Bible. My apologies to anyone who saw a rough draft of this post appear on Thursday night. The final draft is below! Translation I’ve had a chance to spend some quality Continue Reading
A Few Days with the Confraternity Bible: The Interlude
I’ve been spending some quality time with the Confraternity Bible this week, reading through the Gospel of Mark. I’ll also be reading 2 Corinthians to make sure I have a sample of how the translation dealt with Paul’s letters. I think it’s useful to read a translation at length to Continue Reading
REB vs. NABRE: New Testament Letters (15th Sunday in OT)
Welcome to the fifth week of comparing the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) with the Revised English Bible (REB) for the second reading at Sunday’s Mass. As mentioned in the introduction, this will be a chance to compare a strongly literal translation like the NABRE New Testament with a much more dynamic translation Continue Reading
A Few Days with the Confraternity Bible: Part 1
This is the first in a two-part series on the Confraternity Version — the predecessor of the New American Bible. Several years ago, I found a used Confraternity Bible (copyrighted in 1963) in a Catholic gift shop. It caught my eye, because my home parish was using a Stations of Continue Reading
REB vs. NABRE: New Testament Letters (14th Sunday in OT)
Welcome to the fourth week of comparing the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) with the Revised English Bible (REB) for the second reading at Sunday’s Mass. As mentioned in the introduction, this will be a chance to compare a strongly literal translation like the NABRE New Testament with a much more dynamic translation Continue Reading
NABRE Catholic Journaling Bible from Our Sunday Visitor
I just found the first single-column edition of the NABRE I’ve ever laid eyes on. Behold the Catholic Journaling Bible from Our Sunday Visitor press! This edition has generous margins with ruled lines for notes and a beautiful single-column type setting. The footnotes are printed in double-column format in a Continue Reading
Bible Study Tidbit: Paul’s Boast
In 2 Corinthians 11:16, Paul begins his “foolish boasting.” Rather than giving the Corinthians a summary of impressive accomplishments to prove his legitimacy as an apostle, he launches into a list of his struggles and humiliations. At the very end of chapter 11, he includes this final boast, highlighted by Continue Reading
REB vs. NABRE: New Testament Letters (13th Sunday in OT)
Welcome to the third week of comparing the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) with the Revised English Bible (REB) for the second reading at Sunday’s Mass. As mentioned in the introduction, this will be a chance to compare a strongly literal translation like the NABRE New Testament with a much more dynamic translation Continue Reading
What Bible Edition Would You Most Like to See?
I’ve been reflecting on the variety of Bible editions available for Catholics, and how it has changed over the ten years since Timothy began the Catholic Bibles Blog. We’re living in an exciting time for Catholic Bible study! Just in the past few years, we’ve witnessed two new catholic editions Continue Reading