Therefore the whole House of Israel may know for certain that God has made him Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.
Acts 2:36 RNJB
In fact, however, Christ has been raised from the dead, the first-fruits of those who have died. As it was by one man that death came, so through one man has come the resurrection of the dead. Just as in Adam all die, so in Christ will all be brought to life, but each in the proper order: Christ the first-fruits, and then, at his coming, those who belong to Christ. After that comes the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to God the Father, when he has done away with every ruler, every authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet, and the last enemy to be done away with is death, for he has put all things under his feet.
1 Corinthians 15:20-27a RNJB
Happy Easter to you all! Jesus is risen, and he makes all things new!
Happy Easter!
FYI just received this email
Since the launch of the Word on Fire Bible in 2020, we have witnessed significant changes in the printing and manufacturing industries. Regrettably, these changes have impacted the production costs of our beloved “cathedral in print.”
The expenses for essential materials, such as paper, cloth, leather, lamination, foil, plates, ink, glue, gas, electricity, shrink-wrap, cartons, and pallets, have doubled. Moreover, the transportation costs to deliver the Bibles to our warehouse have tripled.
Despite these challenges, the Word on Fire Bible has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, enabling them to deeply engage with Sacred Scripture and develop a closer relationship with Jesus.
We remain steadfast in our commitment to upholding the quality and beauty of this Catholic Bible. So, due to these increased production costs, we must reluctantly raise the retail prices of the Word on Fire Bible, effective May 8th.
I worry that these are the prices we pay for wanting Bibles that aren’t “Made in China,” since the Word on Fire Bible is printed in Italy. I may have my critiques of the WOF Bible, what with the binding structure not being as good as it could be and the paper being sometimes distractingly glossy, making it hard to read in too much light, but I still respect it for at least moving Catholic Bibles in the right direction. That said, I still hold out hope that some eccentric Catholic billionaire might one day found a Catholic Schuyler company. A man can dream.
Then again, I could’ve sworn Thomas Nelson or one of those big Bible publishers seemed to listen to the “Made in China” criticism and moved printing to Korea instead. I hope Ascension follows suit. I’ve heard great things about Korean printed Bibles.
Hello Marc,
I hope everyone is having an excellent Easter season! I noticed you quoted the RNJB translation for this post. Curious to know your thoughts on it. I’ve been using the single column study version for a short time now and enjoy the flow. Some of the notes might be irksome, but it is what it is. Would definitely appreciate it if more Catholic translations were available in single column format.
I’ve recently been using the RNJB along with the NABRE while doing an in-depth study of St. Paul’s letter to the Romans. I like the RNJB. When it was first published, I thought it was a step backward compared to the NJB. Without spending any time reading it, I dismissed it because it had far fewer notes, far fewer cross-references, and it was giving up the dynamic equivalence of the JB/NJB family and trying to compete with other literal translations. Now that I’ve spent more time with it and used it for study, I like it — so much so that I bought the Kindle version to go along with my hardcover edition. I appreciate that it retains some of the Greek dichotomies like flesh and spirit without bending over backwards to be slavishly literal with tortuous grammar.
I also see the logic in paring back the notes and cross-references. The NJB’s references are so voluminous that I often don’t try to look them up. But when the RNJB includes a cross-reference, it’s less of an interruption to check it out than it would be to look up 5 cross references on a single verse. I’ve found the RNJB’s notes to be useful for explaining key concepts or offering important details that help understand the text without completely obliterating the flow of reading longer passages.
Thank you Marc. Well put. I’ve been enjoying the translation so far. For a long time I’ve been searching for the “perfect” Bible. Haven’t found it yet, but have gradually come to terms that I may never find it. No one translation or set of commentaries are perfect, but each rendering and shared insight have been fruitful for me in their own way. Thank you again.