Publication date is March 2023 from Liturgical Press. (Follow link to Liturgical Press for more details, including a few page samples.)
How does the Bible form our worship practices? How does the liturgy incorporate the Bible? The Liturgy and Life Study Bible explores these questions and provides answers for today’s church. This indispensable guide includes essays from the world’s top liturgical and biblical scholars on a variety of subjects, including Jewish liturgical traditions, Psalms as liturgical prayer, early church worship, social justice, ministries, the Last Supper, and more.
Each book of the Bible has an introduction that includes basic background information and sets the stage for the reader to discern the liturgical content of each book. Additional notes are also included throughout the biblical text, in addition to an apparatus that shows the intersection between biblical passages and the Catholic liturgy. Going far beyond a summary of Lectionary readings, this table shows all the places where a verse of the Bible appears in any liturgical book: the Missal, the orders of sacramental rites, even the Roman Gradual and the Martyrology. This tool will help researchers, catechists, preachers, and anyone studying the Bible for the purposes of prayer and meditation.
The Liturgy and Life Study Bible is a comprehensive resource that will help the reader engage worship and the Bible anew.
Contributors include:
Francis L. Agnoli, OFS
Juan Miguel Betancourt, SEMV
Catherine Cory
Barry M. Craig
Andrew R. Davis
John Endres, SJ
Rita Ferrone
Kristine Henriksen Garroway
Clare V. Johnson
Layla A. Karst
John W. Martens
Dalia Marx
Paul Niskanen
Gerald O’Collins, SJ
Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ
Gregory J. Polan, OSB
Jordan J. Ryan
George M. Smiga
Paul Turner
(H/T to Paul Z on FB)
I was so excited about this Bible until I saw the preorder price…. $119.95 is just too much money for a study Bible.
Liturgical press tends to be on the more “progressive end” of the Catholic spectrum and biblical interpretation. Not saying that this Bible with not have a lot of decent material, just I would be weary at 119.95 price tag.
It looks like the majority of annotations will focus on where certain texts are found in the Liturgy and other rituals, so the fact that LP tends to be a bit more progressive likely won’t impact that element of this Bible. Perhaps, one might find this more so in the essays.
Honestly, I don’t feel myself touching a brand new NABRE of any kind, knowing full well that the supposed 2025 revision is just around the corner, likely with a swell of nice editions, which is not only expected to have an updated text but also (supposedly) revisions to the notes. Same reason I’ve put off owning an NA28 Greek NT, because of the public statements of editors about the NA29 due in a year or two.
Also, since the NRSVue has come out in physical form, is a review forthcoming?
As a matter of fact, I’m working on a review of the Zondervan NRSVue with Apocrypha! I preordered it many months ago and have been using it for bible reading and prayer over the past month. I should have the review done by either Wednesday or Thursday.
Yes, it does look like the NABRE is still on track for 2025 release date along with the revised LOTH.
“Moreover, besides the revised translation, all the notes in the New Testament are being revised so that they are more helpful to general readers of the New American Bible.”
I pray for the best.
This is kinda my take on getting any new NABRE. A revision is coming soon and I can’t justify buying one just to be outdated in just a few years.
What are the odds of a catholic NRSVue?
Seeing as Word on Fire was listed as a future publisher of the NRSVue on the original press release sampler, probably likely. Though, like the NRSV-CE, it will almost certainly just be the NRSVue text with zero textual changes, just with the deuterocanon placed in their proper OT order and the remaining non-Catholic books removed.
There was some hesitancy with the original NRSV-CE right? I seem to remember that from a few of the articles I have read. Might the NRSVue be considered a bridge too far? It has the same issue (more so than the NABRE and RNJB) with inclusive language and now seems to have another possible speed bump with how 1 Cor 6:9 and others were translated?
The Vatican didn’t officially approve the NRSV-CE for lectionary until 2007/8 after nearly 20 years of discussions with the Canadians over the “inclusive language” usage, though the CCCB had been using it in Mass, in spite of the Vatican’s objections, since 1992, the year after it received its imprimatur. As for the RNJB, I think its approval was surprisingly smooth; the NJB from the 80s, however, was rejected lectionary approval, if I’m not mistaken, which is why so many countries were still using the ’66 JB as recently as a few years ago.
Honestly, for the life of me, who was it exactly who was asking for an update to the NRSV? I mean, I know translation updates without an obvious (or at least a clearly stated) reason, are kind of the norm recently, but what new discoveries have been made since the last NRSV that necessitated a whole new update? If they changes really are so minor, why not just make the changes in new printings of the NRSV without fanfare? At least with things like the NAB or the RSV updates into the ESV, there were well known issues that needed to be addressed. And the base texts were decades old and from times prior to when most of the Dead Sea scrolls (for example of a new discovery) were available. As to the New Jerusalem Bible, it had been my understanding that no formal efforts were even made to get it accepted as a lectionary? From what I’ve read at the time, it seemed like everyone just assumed the NRSV was gonna be the one, so the NJB was just kind of DOA as a lectionary candidate. I’ve read the Revised New Jerusalem cover to cover, and while I do appreciate what appears to be a balanced approach to Issues like inclusive language, I also couldn’t shake the feeling that the use of more traditional catholic language in things like the angelic salutation to Mary (Rejoice full of grace!) and the use of “virgin” in IS 7:14 were more efforts to streamline its approval as a lectionary than they were genuine translation choices, and after this occurred to me, I wondered if it’s balanced use of inclusive language was also more of practical consideration than one of translation as well. Not that I necessarily mind, I like the end result, whatever the motivations, but it does make the translation feel a little more ad hoc, almost like a more theologically liberal version of the RSV2CE (again, another translation that I quite like, even if it’s “updates” also had motivations other than considerations of translation).
I am very reluctant to buy any NABRE Bible due to the thoroughly unhelpful and often scandalous notes, but this Bible sounds like an amazing concept and something I would love to have, if only for reference.
The pre-order pice is a bit steep, but I’d wager after a few months to a year of being released you’ll be able to find it for quite a bit less (perhaps half?) that price.
Will definitely be keeping this on my radar!
I have not been able to get any explanation from USCCB for the revision of Psalm 33 v17b. Everywhere else it reads : “…..cannot save.” But the NABRE has : it cannot be saved. Why?
Any ideas, please.