Wanted to share a few images of the ESVCE Cornerstone from Cambridge before posting a proper review.

16 thoughts on “First Look: Cambridge ESV-CE Cornerstone”

  1. From what I’ve seen it seems near identical to the SPCK version I will look forward to the review. I agree that ghosting does seem a lot for a bible at the price they are asking.

  2. I’m going to stick with the Ignatius Bible, supplemented by the NRSV-CE via Word on Fire and the appendix to the Catholic Bible Concordance RSV-CE that shows the RSV-2CE’s changes. The ghosting here is rough; a Cambridge Bible not being line-matched is very surprising and unfortunate; and the fact is, if I were to get an ESV, the Diadem seems to have much more going for it than this. And that’s without getting into nitpicking about the faux-leather editions being imo significantly overpriced, the stamping of “Faux Leather” on the front liner seeming almost like it’s mocking you, and the perimeter stitching on all except for the genuine cowhide edition…I don’t know, it kinda feels like Cambridge intentionally undercut this. One would probably get better value out of buying an Ignatius RSV-2CE or SPCK ESV-CE hardcover and rebinding it or buying the ESV Diadem. I mentioned under the SPCK review that I might consider this, but I think, upon further review, I’ll pass and be content with what I have. I wouldn’t discourage others from pursuing this if the ESV-CE is their preferred translation, but that’s not me.

    1. I’ve picked up the Word on Fire Volumes 1 and 2 recently currently half way through the gospels first bible I’ve had like it

  3. Just popping by to say a) I’m so happy to see a new post here. I check all the time.
    And B) that ghosting looks like a 20 dollar paperback. Yeesh.

  4. Tim Wildsmith will be releasing his review tomorrow. I saw that Ascension Press put out a large print version of their great adventure bible.

  5. Leather Bibles are nice, but I can’t justify spending that much money on a Bible that has that much ghosting AND no study aids/tools. The Augustine Institute’s hardback Bible is around $20 or so. I think they have an imitation leather version, too, for $60.

    Thanks for posting, though! I hope you enjoy your new Bible!

  6. I was looking forward to this Bible, but yeah the ghosting looks terrible. I’ll stick with my Augustine ESV-CE faux leather. It has some ghosting but not this much, and it’s less expensive.

  7. Timothy,

    I’m looking forward to your review. Thanks for taking the time to do this.

    Pics or commentary comparing the ghosting to close competitors like the Diadem, Augustine, etc would be helpful.

    Thanks again!

  8. I have to admit that I am a bit shocked that a Bible this expensive would have so much ghosting. I realize real leather is expensive these days but if I spend that much money on a Bible I expect it to be flawless in terms of quality.

  9. I’ve always dreamed of owning a premium Bible. So, I’m saving up the money to buy one. When I first became Catholic I used the RSV-2CE, but after finding out about the ESV-CE and how it’s going to be the translation for the lectionary, I decided to buy a cheap copy. So, I purchased the hardback edition from the Augustine Institute and have been using it for a few years now. I think I can stick with the ESV-CE

    So, I’d like to buy the black cowhide edition of the ESV-CE from Cambridge. However, after looking at some images online, it seems it has atrocious see-through/ghosting. How is the ghosting in the Cornerstone edition compared to the ghosting in the Augustine Bible? Is it worse or better?


    1. CatusDei,

      I’ll put it to you this way, I have been using the ESVCE daily for almost two years now. And while the Cambridge is nice (bleed through is a problem) and the Diadem is the most premium overall, I use the bonded leather Augustine edition. I got a Bible cover for it and that’s my Bible for reading, studying, and teaching.

      1. But the font in the Cambridge is bigger than the Augustine edition, yes?

        I switched to the Cambridge one since Christmas and my only big complaint is the lack of cross-references to the OT that you get in every other ESV-CE NT.

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