I’ve become aware of a few new Bible editions that have been recently released or are coming this year:
Michael Pakaluk’s Translation of the Gospel of John

After publishing a translation and commentary on the Gospel of Mark in 2019, Michael Pakaluk has published a translation and commentary on the Gospel of John in February of this year. Michael is a professor of ethics and social philosophy at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Last year, he graciously agreed to allow me to publish a Q&A about his translation of Mark on this blog. The new translation of John is available in both hardcover and Amazon Kindle editions.
Divine Mercy Catholic Bible

Ascension Press has collaborated with the Marians of the Immaculate Conception to produce the Divine Mercy Catholic Bible. Many thanks to a couple of readers for bringing this to my attention. The bible is a red-letter edition (with the words of Jesus in red) with an imitation leather binding, the same maps as the Great Adventure Catholic Bible, images of Divine Mercy saints and shrines, 175 “Mercy Moment” supplements throughout the biblical text highlighting God’s mercy in the Bible, and 19 articles related to Divine Mercy. I have not seen a copy in person. If anyone has a copy and would like to review it, please let me know!
Reader’s Edition of the Revised New Jerusalem Bible Coming in June
Darton, Longman, and Todd (the British publisher of the RNJB) is planning to release reader’s editions of the RNJB in June. Both hardcover and paperback editions will be available. The text will be laid out in double-column format in prose sections and single-column format in poetry sections. Dom Henry Wansbrough’s introductions to each biblical book will be included. In the past, reader’s editions of the New Jerusalem Bible contained far fewer explanatory notes than the full study edition, so I expect the RNJB reader’s edition will have very few footnotes.
Premium NRSV with Apocrypha Coming in September from Zondervan

Zondervan has announced a new premium NRSV with the apocrypha/deuterocanonical books which will be available in September. This will feature the current NRSV text (the updated edition is expected to be published in 2022). The list of features is impressive:
- Purple goatskin cover
- Line matched, 10-point font
- 36 GSM paper
- 3 double-sided ribbon markers
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Sprinkled ink page edges
Full Yapp Schuyler RSVs Sold Out
Schuyler has sold out of pre-orders for full-yapp editions of their upcoming RSV. Pre-orders for the standard-size leather edition will be opening in either June or July (and publication is still scheduled for August). Schuyler was very surprised at the amount of interest in the full-yapp edition, and they are hoping to produce more than originally planned. If they are able to, they will update everyone on their RSV email list. If you would like to receive Schuyler’s email updates on their RSV, use this link to subscribe.
I would like the blog’s readers to be aware of two books from Orthodox writers, that while not Biblical translations, are very much into the Patristic/2nd Temple Bible Studies genre.
1) The first is Fr. John Behr’s “John the Theologian and His Paschal Gospel”.
The hardcover edition is quite expensive, but there is a paperback version coming out later this year. I have not read it, but I have listened to several of Fr. Behr’s talks on the subject. The book will in part interpret the Gospel of John through the lens of John’s theological descendants such as St. Irenaeus and St. Athanasius. He also notes the Prologue of John’s Gospel is primarily about the Cross/Resurrection and the Incarnation of Christ into the Church through the hearts of believers rather than the focus being Annunciation/Nativity. I didn’t find a preorder option on Amazon, so that is why I posted the B&N link.
2) The second book is Fr. Stephen de Young’s “The Religion of the Apostles” via Ancient Faith Publishing.
The goal is to provide the context of the 2nd Temple Judaism’s view of the spiritualized/enchanted world so one can more fruitfully interpret the Christian scriptures.
I think these two books may be of interest to the blog’s readers.
I’m excited to see a reader’s edition of the R.N.J.B. coming out! The size of the study edition kept me from purchasing this translation, as it is too bulky for me (I’d rather us separate books for commentary than a massive study bible). Have you any of read the R.N.J.B. translation? Would you recommend it? Thanks!
Hi CatusDei!
I’ve read through the RNJB. As I shared in the post about it being considered for the lectionary by the Irish Bishops, I found the commentary both fascinating and uplifting as well as sometimes troubling and problematic.
But the translation itself reads superbly and I would have absolutely no reservations recommending it to anyone looking for a smooth reading translation. I don’t have any translation expertise so I can’t personally comment on how technically literal it is, but my understanding is that it is a very literal translation, which makes its smooth reading experience even more impressive to me.
One thing I do wonder though, my impression was that part of the reason the RNJB went with the Revised Grail Psalms instead of its own fresh translation, was likely because it was seeking approval as a lectionary base. Since the Revised Grail Psalms now seem to be being abandoned in favor of the newer Abby Psalms, are we likely to see newer versions of the RNJB being printed with the Abby Psalms instead of Revised Grail Psalms?
The USCCB bought the rights to the Revised Grail Psalms and now, with the revised Canticles, have been named the Abbey Psalms and Canticles. The Psalms remain the same, and they’re the ones in the RNJB with a few edits done by Fr Wansbrough.
There were some revisions of the 2010 Revised Grail so perhaps the Abbey psalms aren’t all the same.
Also see below from usccb.org:
March 19, 2010: The Revised Grail Psalms were granted recognitio from the Holy See’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
After four years of use by some religious houses and review by the USCCB, a series of modifications were proposed.
November 11, 2014: The U.S. Bishops voted to accept the modifications, which are known for being remarkably faithful to the original Hebrew while also being rendered in a “sprung rhythm” to facilitate singing.
May 3, 2018: The modified Revised Grail Psalms are confirmed by the Holy See.
July 1, 2019: The USCCB acquires copyright over the psalter, renaming the collection The Abbey Psalms and Canticles.
Thanks, Michael. I recently purchased the latest psalter (shown on this blog for April 2, 2020), and compared the psalms to the RNJB recently, and found them to be almost exactly the same, with very few exceptions. Fr. Wansbrough mentions in his introduction that he made just a few editorial adjustments to the Revised Grail Psalms (Abbey). Anyone that wants the newest version will get mostly that with the RJNB. I doubt the publisher of the RNJB will revise the psalms based on what I’ve read.
Hello Ronny Tadena!!
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question 🙂 If it wouldn’t be too much of an issue for you, would you be willing to show 1 Peter 3:13-22? I’m currently reading the ESV translation and would love to see these verses, in these two translations, compared.
God bless!
Sure CatusDei!
1 Peter 3:13-22 (RNJB)
Even if you were to suffer for righteousness you are blessed; do not fear what they fear or be disturbed. Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make your defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope. But do it with gentleness and respect and with a clear conscience, so that, while you are being slandered, those who are disparaging your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For if it is the will of God, it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong.
Christ himself suffered once and for all for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to lead you to God. He was put to death in the body; he was raised to life in the spirit, in which he also went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison. They had refused to believe long ago, while God patiently waited, in the days of Noah when the ark was being built, in which only a few, that is eight souls, were saved through water. Baptism which this prefigured no saves you, not the removal of physical dirt but the pledge to God of a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is at the right hand of God, having entered heaven with angels, authorities and powers subject to him.
Hope that helps!
Thank you so much!! That’s very helpful. May God bless you!
I also did a comparison series between the JB, NJB, RNJB, and the NABRE (and I added the ESV-CE later in the series). Here’s the first post in the series, if you’re interested in seeing comparisons for Sunday readings:
I’ve switched to it as my Bible of choice. I haven’t read anything that flows more fluently.
Hello Christopher,
Which publishing of the RNJB do you own? Or is there currently only the one -DL&T?
Thank you.
Eric, I can jump in and tell you that the RNJB is available from Image in the U.S. I got it for a steal but already had the Darton Longman & Todd edition from the U.K. The Image edition is available through Amazon and maybe Christianbook.com if I recall. I have compared the two.
The difference between them:
The DLT edition is more compact. the text is quite readable, but I wouldn’t want it smaller. It has a sewn binding so the bible will last much longer. The cardboard cover is not very sturdy and is already deteriorating at the corners and cracking at the ends, etc.
The Image edition has— unfortunately— a glued binding, and though I’ve had it a brief time, the maps are already falling out. This is precisely why I typically wouldn’t purchase a bible with glued binding. What I do like about it is, it’s a larger edition, so has a larger, very readable size font. The layout and typesetting are exactly the same as with the DTL edition. The font is a couple of sizes larger, and the hardback cover is in my estimation of much better quality than the DLT edition.
I would love to have the best of both of these in one edition. Like Christopher, I really appreciate the translation. It’s very smooth and more on the formally equivalent translation side, if not nearly as so as, say, the ESV or RSV, etc.
I have the edition for the U.S. from Image Catholic Books.
It’s fine. It opens and lays flat in my lap for morning prayer. Glued binding is disappointing, but… meh. What are you going to do? A bigger issue for me is that it comes with a dust jacket. If it’s not in leather yet, I’d prefer a designed hardcover edition without a dust jacket like the U.K. edition from Darton, Longman, & Todd.
Layout of both seems the same. Text is legible.
Love the single column format and versification.
Have no problem with the notes and intros.
Apparently, DLT’s fortcoming reader’s editions will include the notes and commentary, but exclude the cross-references, and switch to a two-column format except for poetic books. It’ll come in one HC and two PB editions (with “day” and “night” designs).
No word yet whether the reader’s edition is coming to the U.S. or if either publisher will be issuing a leatherbound edition.
Technically the DLT U.K. editions can’t be sold through bookstores in the U.S. which is why I got mine from Image. But you can find them easily on Ebay.
It’s easy enough to purchase the DLT U.K. edition of the RNJB through Book Depository with free shipping to the U.S.:
Hello Leighton,
Thank you very much for the information. I really appreciate it. I’ll look into both publishings. Sounds like a premium edition would be very welcome. We can only hope one is in the works. That would be great :). Thank you again.
My pleasure, Eric. A premium edition would be great to have, though I won’t hold my breath! The Jerusalem bible line doesn’t typically get the premium treatment.
For anyone interested in purchasing the UK edition with sewn binding, you can find it at Book Depository: https://www.bookdepository.com/Revised-New-Jerusalem-Bible-Study-Edition-OSB-Revd-Henry-Wansbrough/9780232533620
I apologize Christopher, for some reason I missed your reply. Thank you for the information. From your and Leighton’s reply I may want to invest in the DL&T UK edition with sown binding and single column format. I’m definitely drawn to single versus double and don’t know why it isn’t more available in various Catholic translations. I’m guessing double column produces a thinner copy. Oh well. I’m still hoping for more options.
Thank you again for the reply.
Thank you Peter,
I recently purchased the RNJB NT to get familiar with the translation before taking the plunge. If I do like it I’ll be sure to look at ordering through the book depository. Thank you again.
I recently stumbled onto the JB Readers Edition and it’s my favorite translation for Reading. Is the RNJB much better?
The JB is far more dynamic (functional equivalence) translation that any other Catholic Bible that is used in an English language Catholic liturgy. The RNJB is a more formal translation.
So if you prefer a more formal translation, then the RNJB would probably be better. But if you prefer a more dynamic (functional equivalence) translation, the JB would be better. Note also the JB is a translation from a French bible and not from older Latin, Greek or Hebrew bibles or codices.
The NJB and RNJB (like most modern bibles) use older Greek and Hebrew codices for the source of their translations.
I have a slightly different take.
Though the RNJB focuses on being a more formal translation, the translator is still revising the original JB text. He’s using it as the base text, and then rephrasing various things based on modern textual decisions, all with an ear toward it being read aloud. In a way, it’s sort of what Crossway did to shape the ESV out of the original RSV. Only, using the JB instead. I still find it preserves much of the JB “sound” – quite different from the NJB – while ridding it of a lot of dated language choices.
Also, to make those translation decisions, Dom Henry Wansbrough revised the text using the Nestle-Aland 27 (28 is the most recent) and the Stuttgartensia. So you should have full confidence that the textual basis is keeping up with scholarship. You can read more about it here.
My two cents.
Thanks Chris. Always interested in your take on things. And Peter thank you also. Part of why I have “stuck with and read” the JB is I love the formatting. I have the Doubleday 1980 leather”esque” readers edition of the JB in the smaller 8X4 format and its such a joy to pick up and read. I am interested in the Wansbrough revision though and will check it out.
Cheers and God bless.
In NAB news, I found this news article back from Feb 2021 about the New Testament revision. It is more of the profile of some translation committee members. Perhaps the most relevant info is that the anticipated date of publication is still 2025.
Thanks for sharing that Devin. That is a very interesting article. I am familiar with Fr. Gadenz’s work. I know that his scholarship is very sound, and aims to be very faithful to Church teaching on Scripture while integrating it with contemporary scholarship. I am glad to know he will be part of the project.
“Moreover, besides the revised translation, all the notes in the New Testament are being revised so that they are more helpful to general readers of the New American Bible.”
That is important information!
Yes, very interesting! I’m a fan of the NABRE notes because they are so technical and detailed. The translators made no attempt to “dumb down” the notes, and they are a wealth of information. But for many Bible readers, especially beginners or readers at any level who prefer life application to scholarly analysis, they miss the mark. I’m interested to see how the new translators will approach the notes.
Re the RNJB. I found this review on another site concerning the translation: “Matthew 16.25-26: ‘For whoever wants to save life will lose it; but whoever loses life for my sake will find it. How does it profit someone to gain the whole world and forfeit life? Or what could anyone give in exchange for life?’ Did you notice that the word ‘his’ (αὐτου in the Greek text) was dropped four times?” I then checked the parallel passages in the other Gospels and it’s the same. So disappointing. They actually changed the words of Christ and their meaning. Based on this translation, whose life is being referred to? Yours? Mine? A bird? A whale? The life of a flower? This is very blatant and glaring.
The JB, NJB, NABRE, RSV, and ESV have “his”. NRSV doesn’t. Most translations have “his”. A few have “their” instead of “his”. In the original translation of Matthew for the Anchor Bible Series “self” is used instead of “his life”.
The singular “their” has been in use since at least the 14th century. And it would work well here. “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it…”
This is a very odd translation.
Agreed. It’s very awkward. I’m not usually a huge fan of using “their” but it would be much, much better in this case and gets the job done. Mostly, I really like the RNJB and find it quite smooth to read, but then trip on passages such as these.
I agree. It makes no sense why “they” (the translators) did it this way.
They did the same thing is Psalm 53: “It is the fool who says in the heart, ‘There is no God.’” Couldn’t have “his heart.” These kinds of renderings make a mockery of the scriptures.
There is finally a release date for the NRSV-UE, New Revised Standard Version-Updated Edition, November 18th, 2021
Wow, that seems pretty quick!
If you go to this link, scroll to near the bottom and they have a countdown clock / timer, counting down to the NRSV-UE, release for November
Here’s the link to be able to read some sample verses etc., of the NRSV-UE
I was looking forward to it to see how it was now after all these years, but after reading the samples I’m not particularly too interested anymore. I dont see it as much of an / or any real improvement, based on what I read, maybe that’ll change after it actually comes out and I can read through more of it, maybe it’s just these few verses that I don’t particularly like, but based off what I have seen so far…..
I’ve purchased the Divine Mercy Bible and am enjoying it. It is published by Ascension as is the Great Adventure Bible. I’ve also seen the stink about the glue on the GAV. I’ve been buying Bibles for a half century and have owned dozens, so I’m really familiar with them. This Bible is definitely stitched on top of gluing; I can clear see the stitching in both the front and the back. If you wish to have me write a review on it, please feel free to e-mail.