Thanks to Biblical Catholic for pointing out that the US edition of the RNJB (published by Image/Random House) is now available for purchase. Here are links to the product pages at Amazon and Christianbook (where the bible is expected to be in stock on December 17th). This edition is available in hardcover and ebook formats.
I saw one of these at Barnes and Noble today. Glued binding as far as I could tell.
Mine arrived from amazon yesterday. Haven’t had the time to check out some of my favorite “go to” passages, but was happily surprised in reading the introductions to each gospel that they take a more moderate tradition-leaning slant on authorship and composition (with perhaps the exception of Mark, wherein his connection to Peter is basically denied as plausible).
Can you confirm if the binding is glued or sewn?
I am not an expert at all in that topic but it looks glued to me. Tried to insert a photo but can’t seem to do so. Sorry.
No question…it’s glued.
Yep, I looked at one at Barnes and Nobles and there be glue! Lots of it!
I also saw a copy three days ago at Barnes and Noble, but it had slight imperfections. But I found a pristine copy Tuesday at Books-a-Million.
I bought the Kindle e-book edition on Tuesday. I haven’t really gotten into it but I did read the introduction, and it makes a false claim, it says that the 1966 Jerusalem Bible was ‘the first translation of the full Bible into modern English’, I assume that by ‘full Bible’ he means including the Deuterocanon’, but even with that, the statement isn’t true, I’m pretty sure that Moffat’s translation included the ‘Apocrypha’. I think what he meant is that the Jerusalem Bible was ‘the first authorized translation of the full Catholic Bible intended for use by Catholics in modern English’, but then that makes it seem less impressive,doesn’t it?
I really wanted to like this new translation, but once I encountered its translation of Mt 16:24-26 I just had to abandon it.
Anyone who wants to be a follower of mine must renounce self and take up the cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save life will lose it; but whoever loses life for my sake will find it. How does it profit someone to gain the whole world and forfeit life? Or what could anyone give in exchange for life?
Removing all the possessive pronouns in these verses is just carrying inclusive language to an insane level.
I got this Bible a couple weeks ago. I’ve been looking at how it translates names of God in the Old Testament, and I can’t figure out any pattern for “Adonai”. It’s usually translated as “Lord”, but sometimes it’s “LORD” in small caps. For example, in both Joshua 7:8 and Psalm 2:4, most translations have “Lord”, but the RNJB has “LORD”.
The translation choices also sometimes look inconsistent when comparing the Psalms to the rest of the Old Testament, I suppose because the Psalms came from the Revised Grail Psalter. Strong’s h6635 (the “of hosts” portion of “God of hosts”) is translated as “of hosts” in the Psalms, but is shown as Sabaoth elsewhere, with a footnote saying that the translation is uncertain.