Thanks to readers Jonny and Michael for sending me news that Scepter Press will be releasing a new travel-size RSV-CE this spring. The bible will measure 5 X 7 inches and be approximately 1 inch thick. It will be available in both imitation and bonded leather, with a single ribbon marker and gold foil gilding on the page edges. The imitation leather editions will retail for $29.95, and the bonded leather version will be $34.95. The photo below shows the listing in Scepter’s printed catalog (thanks to Michael for the photo):

Jonny reports that the release date will probably be in late March or early April, according to a representative at Scepter.
Looks like it will be sometime in April. Got a response from Scepter through Messenger:
“Hello Jonny, The bible is still being edited. It will be coming out beginning of April or the end of April depending on the edits still to be made. When it is out it will be immediately featured on the front page of the website.”
I am actually pretty excited about this release. If the quality is like their NT, it should have a nice synthetic cover and sewn binding. Comparing the text sample in their catalog to the similar sized Oxford Edition, the Scepter has larger, more readable font. It would be nice to have a decent medium sized edition of the RSV-CE!
I am looking forward to this. I do not own a RSV edition and this sounds promising. The RSV is one of the preferred Orthodox translations used in the English speaking world.
Do you mean Orthodox, as in Russian or Eastern Orthodox, or orthodox, as in trustworthiness, etc.?
The Eastern Orthodox. In English, they tend to use either the KJV, NKJV, or the RSV for the New Testament and also the OT if there is no translation of the Septuagint to be found.
Why wasn’t this available to me last year? Man!